Artículos: Biblia Hebrea (Antiguo Testamento)

  1. Dolansky, Shawna. «How the Serpent Became Satan» (Bible History Daily, October 14, 2018). En inglés.

Artículos: Escrituras Apostólicas (Nuevo Testamento)

  1. Klawans, Jonathan. “Was Jesus’ Last Supper a Seder?” (Bible History Daily, 12 de enero 2017). En inglés. Explora la pregunta si la Última Cena fue un Seder judío. “Jesus’ Last Supper Still Wasn’t a Passover Seder Meal” (Bible History Daily, 28 de marzo 2017). En ingles. Continua la exploración de la pregunta anterior con investigaciones más recientes.

Artículos: Lenguas en el Período del Segundo Templo Tardío (ca. 150 a. C. al 70 d. C.)

  1. Bivin, David, and Roy B. Blizzard. Understanding the Difficult Words of Jesus: New Insights from a Hebraic Perspective. Rev. ed. Shippensburg, PA: Destiny Imagine Publishers, 1994.
  2. Buth, Randall and R. Steven Notley, eds. The Language Environment of First Century Judaea: Jerusalem Studies in the Synoptic Gospels, Vol. 2. Jewish and Christian Perspectives 26. Leiden: Brill, 2014.
  3. Fassberg, Steven E. “Which Semitic Language Did Jesus and Other Contemporary Jews Speak?” Catholic Biblical Quarterly 74, 2 (2012): 263-280.
  4. Fitzmyer, Joseph A. “The Aramaic Language and the Study of the New TestamentJournal of Biblical Literature 99, 1 (1980): 5-21.
  5. Fitzmyer, Joseph A. “Languages of Palestine in the First Century A.D.Catholic Biblical Quarterly 32, 4 (1970): 501-531.
  6. Grintz, Jehoshua M. “Hebrew as the Spoken and Written Language in the Last Days of the Second TempleJournal of Biblical Literature 79, 1 (1960): 32-47.
  7. Safrai, Samuel.  “Spoken and Literary Languages in the Time of Jesus.” Pages 225-244 in Jesus’ Last Week: Jerusalem Studies in the Synoptic Gospels, Vol. 1. Edited by R. Steven Notley, Marc Turnage, Brian Becker, and Shmuel Safrai. Leiden: Brill, 2006.
  8. Thompson, Steven.  “Gustaf Dalman, Anti-Semitism, and the Language of Jesus Debate” The Journal of Religious History 34, 1 (2020): 36-54.