“Archaeology and the Old Testament” in The Jerome Biblical Commentary for the Twenty-First Century. (2021)

Author: José E. Balcells Gallarreta

The Jerome Biblical Commentary has, since 1968, been essential reading for all who wish to deepen their knowledge and understanding of the Bible. It is a landmark of biblical scholarship, the first port of call for priests, preachers, students and scholars, and all those lay people who like to keep a one-volume Biblical commentary in their home to enlighten their reading of the scriptures.

In this new fully revised edition, the publication of which has been welcomed by Pope Francis (who has also written the foreword), the entire content of the commentary has been revised to bring it up-to-date with the very latest scholarship, featuring the leading international scholars of our day. Whilst based on the historical critical method of Biblical study, the contributors draw in a range of more contemporary approaches to the biblical texts. The pool of contributors has also been broadened outside north America and Western Europe to include a more diverse range of perspectives, ensuring that the Jerome speaks more comprehensively to a global Church. The ‘General Articles’ section has been revised to include articles on new approaches to the study of the bible and on the interpretation of the bible in diverse pastoral contexts.

Hard cover ISBN-13: 978-1-474248853

Household and Family Religion in Persian-Period Judah: An Archaeological Approach (2017)

Author: José E. Balcells Gallarreta

This study introduces the notion that while textual information is extremely useful for understanding household and family religious practices and rituals in the Levant during the Persian period, it cannot be viewed as normative as it leaves common households and families out of the scholarly picture, and it overlooks the material culture that exists. This study investigates the ritual artifacts from Persian period Tell en-Nasbeh in their original contexts, as a case study that provides a deeper understanding of the religious ideas and practices of households in Persian period Judah. Unlike scholarship that focused on official or state religion, I utilize archaeology of religion and domestic contexts to reveal the existence of household religion and rituals in Persian period Tell en-Nasbeh, along with other contemporary sites in Yehud. Archaeological data from Tell en-Nasbeh and other sites in the Shephelah region of Yehud demonstrates that family and household rituals and religion were practiced in Persian period Judah.

Paperback ISBN-13: 9781628371789

Hardcover ISBN-13: 9780884142263

Open access eISBN-13: 9780884142256