José E. Balcells Gallarreta

José is passionate about teaching you and others about the biblical text through engaging and transformative encounters. Because of this, he dedicates time to researching effective methods of instruction. He wants you to benefit by having more effective and meaningful learning experiences. José invites you to discover or re-fuel with the joy associated with a life-long pursue of learning about the LORD and His desires for humanity.

Before founding Iodea, José taught at several universities in Puerto Rico and California. He graduated from the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, California where he completed a Ph.D. in Biblical Studies with an emphasis in texts of Second Temple Judaism and the archaeology of the ancient Near East of the Persian period. He uses this academic background and archaeological experiences to bring you historical and cultural perspectives that make the text richer in meaning. Hence, our tag line, “Where Biblical Studies Come Alive”!

Prior to his doctorate degree, José completed a Master of Arts in Biblical Languages at the Jesuit School of Theology of Berkeley and the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley. He complemented his graduate studies and his understanding of Early Judaism by completing a Certificate in Jewish Studies at the Richard S. Dinner Center for Jewish Studies in Berkeley. With his understanding of biblical languages, José integrates these ideas in your learning to help you see “the text behind the text.” Don’t worry, he does this in plain English that is all can understand!

He has participated in archaeological excavations in Tel Akko and Tel Azekah, Israel. He also has been involved with other projects related to the archaeology of the ancient Near East. Professional memberships include: American Schools of Oriental Research (ASOR), Society of Biblical Literature (SBL), and Asociación Bíblica Española (ABE).

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