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   Proven  Engaging  And  Effective  Experience   

History Repeating Itself?

Most discipleship and biblical studies instruction relies on explanations and/or lectures. This is the case for not only present instruction, but how learning has developed historically. Most of us feel very comfortable with this style of teaching because this is the way that we have experienced learning in the classroom or other settings.

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"While lectures and explanations are familiar to most of us, these methods of instruction promote less effective learning experiences."

José E. Balcells, Ph.D.

You Have Choices On How You Learn

Imagine what biblical studies and discipleship education would be like when you compare different methods of instruction. Two main approaches dominate biblical studies education, and instruction in general: passive learning and active learning. While passive learning places the instructor at the center, delivering information through lectures and explanations, active learning engages students in a dynamic process of exploration, discovery, and critical thinking. Let’s explore each one of these two choices.

Choice #1: Passive Learning

Passive learning is often characterized by a one-way flow of information. Instructors present concepts, theories, and facts, often through lectures, explanations, and textbooks. Lectures and explanations tend to be a one-way delivery to you, the learner, of already processed knowledge. Unfortunately, you are often left out of the important step of discovering and processing knowledge for yourself.


You are expected to absorb information through rote memorization and note-taking. While this approach can be efficient in transmitting basic knowledge, it fails to stimulate critical thinking or encourage you to connect new information to your existing understanding.

Choice #2: Active Learning

Active learning, in contrast, promotes a participatory environment. You are no longer a passive recipient; you become an active participant in the learning process. This can involve a variety of strategies like problem-solving activities, group discussions, case studies, simulations, and projects.


In addition, active learning encourages you to analyze information, ask questions, make connections, and apply your understanding to real-world scenarios. You even make mistakes, and more importantly, learn from those mistakes! It’s like providing you with a toolbox and teaching you how to build something meaningful with the tools. Not only do you gain knowledge, but you also develop valuable skills like critical thinking, collaboration, and problem-solving.

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Benefits Of Active Learning

The benefits of using active learning in biblical studies are compelling. Research consistently demonstrates its superiority in fostering deeper comprehension and knowledge retention compared to passive methods. Active engagement allows you to link new information to your existing knowledge base, creating a more robust and meaningful understanding of the biblical text. Moreover, active learning empowers you to become a critical thinker. By actively analyzing information, identifying patterns, and drawing conclusions, you hone your ability to think deeply and independently. This fosters curiosity, a sense of ownership over your learning journey, and a desire to explore further.

One-On-One Tutoring: Best Of Active Learning

How can we study the biblical text in more effective and meaningful ways? We constantly ask ourselves this question! The good news? We don’t have to reinvent the wheel! Someone already did the work for us. The results of research show that one-on-one tutoring is by far, one of the most engaging and effective ways to learn.


One of the main reasons is that in one-on-one tutoring the instructor can ask you questions and engage you in ways that would be nearly impossible in other scenarios. You are part of an active learning environment! For example, a good tutor catches when you are not understanding and adapts to your comprehension. The tutor engages you and only moves forward when you are ready to do so.


So, if one-on-one tutoring is so effective and fun, why have we not seen more of it? Well, that’s a complex question. For starters, training and scaling good tutoring is time-consuming and costly. However, recent advances in technology can help make tutoring scalable and more cost effective!

"The average tutored student was above 98% of the students in the control class…. As the results of these separate studies at different grade levels and in different school subjects began to emerge, we were astonished at the consistency of the findings."

Benjamin S. Bloom, Ph.D.

Meet The Digital Tutor

Have you ever heard of a digital tutor (DT)? Most of us probably have not, as this is a fairly new technology that is starting to emerge for education. Humans design and program content to run on computers with the objective of making learning more interactive. Yeah, you guessed it, here is research if you are interested in it!


So, why are we so excited about the digital tutor? Well, when properly designed, the DT has the potential to closely replicate empathetic one-on-one human tutoring interactions. Unlike other online passive learning tools that deliver one-way flow of information, the DT design responds to your unique level of understanding, or potential gaps in understanding.


Because it is built by empathetic humans—yes, we do care about you—it does this interaction in a gentle and encouraging way. Using both empathetic human design and great technology, the DT can interact with you to help you learn better. With the Holy Spirit as your guide, the digital tutor leads you and asks you questions and provides activities that make you think about the ideas at a deeper level.

Great Tutoring + Human Empathy + Great Technology = Excellent Learning

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"Our evaluations found that digital tutors typically raise student performance well beyond the level of conventional classes and even beyond the level achieved by students who receive instruction from other forms of computer tutoring or from human tutors."

J.D. Fletcher, Ph.D. and James A. Kulik, Ph.D.
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Our Invitation To You!

If you are reading this, you are probably as passionate about discipleship and biblical studies as we are. We would like to offer you active learning options for your spiritual journey! Next, we invite you to see how with the help of the Holy Spirit, you experience transformative instruction. Or if you are ready to try the demo lesson, please sign up below.

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